I’m Andrea, made in Torino, Italy 🇮🇹, and living in Zurich 🇨🇭 since 2019.

From the time of my youngling days, I’ve been fascinated by technology and blinking objects, walking The Path of coding in early highschool, and venturing in electronics shortly after. In less than twelve parsecs, I wrapped up my journey as a student at ETH Zurich with a master’s degree in Electrical Engineering and IT, and I evolved into a Researcher. Currently I work on TinyML, Embedded Systems, Sensors and many other cool things. I love to build stuff of questionable utility, and yes, most of it blinks indeed.

This website mostly serves the purpose of atoning my PHP sins commited in young age. However, I might occasionally also write something interesting or useful (but I wouldn’t count on it).

If you ever want to discuss anything, offer a suggestion, or vent your thoughts on the new Star Wars trilogy, don’t hesitate to shoot me an email at andr.ronco@gmail.com.

Va fail,